Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Re-starting (in a mad hurry)

Well, we're moving to LA - the car is now on it second move and isn't finished... this is highly dissapointing, but I guess its the reality of the situation.  But now the movers are taking the car in a bit over a week and I need to get the car running.  Earlier in the week I got the brakes re-connected and bled.  Yesterday I got the steering column in.  So I guess now I can harness the car's power, which won't be terribly much until I get the engine back in.  That leads to today.

Today was prep of the engine compartment.  I got the tar firewall insulation installed (a rather crappy job too, but it's not very visible and I'll be tarring up the inside of the car too) and one of the rubber engine seals.  I got under the apron and cleaned off loose surface rust.  Not really necessary but this area won't be accessible once the engine is in and I figure a bit of extra protection will help 20 years down the road.  As I write I have a surface treatment eating away any bits of remaining rust and then I'll cold galvanize it.  Then the engine goes in... which I find terrible intimidating... especially under time pressure... we'll see how it goes.

Here's the engine compartment ALMOST ready to take an engine:

 Last three days: 5 hours (1+1+3)

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